ag analytics feature
Dealers need to be closer to customers
| Børsen Article

This article was published on June 1, 2018, in the Danish newspaper Børsen. Børsen is Denmark’s leading business newspaper and delivers daily business news and information.

By Steen Bachmann, Børsen

What is ag analytics?
“We are a consultancy that helps car dealers and importers reach their customer satisfaction goals within sales and service. If you don’t get top scores every time the customer visits, there’s a great risk that the customer is not loyal to the brand and workshop . The automotive industry is the industry that gets measured, controlled and benchmarked on the customer dimension most systematically – nevertheless, there’s still a lot of room for improvement.”

Company description Description
ag analytics

Nicholas Malcolm, CEO, ag analytics

The consultancy ag analytics helps dealers and importers reach their goals

The cars are high tech, but the dealers aren’t yet

“The cars are high tech, but the dealers are not.” You have to give an example?
“In many car dealerships, they end up adding technology to solve internal problems. The most important thing is that the dealers need to use technology that makes a difference because they understand the customers’ journey and challenges. That way customers experience technology as an advantage. Far more people have to ask themselves the question, “What do customers want us to deliver?” It may be better information about what happens during service through video recordings, or that the online booking system diagnoses the customer correctly with exactly the right questions, so that the workshop knows what needs to be done and has made sure they’ve got the right spare parts on hand – all so that they can solve the customer’s problem the first time. That would solve one of the biggest challenges, namely that customers are forced to return to the workshop.”

“Connected cars will open up new opportunities for car dealerships to hold customer’s hands much more.”

– Nicholas Malcolm, Managing Director and Partner, ag analytics

Won’t workshops consider video as an expression of lack of trust?
“Often, customers only get a brief review and a bill, but for the average car owner it’s difficult to assess the quality of the work done. When are the brakes worn down? When should the tires be changed? Video is a tool that helps ensure effective communication and better decisions.”

How do you improve collaboration between sales and service departments?
“The division of sales and service is an ingrown culture in the automotive industry that needs to be changed. The remedy is for the car dealership to start the same place as the customers do. They see just one car dealership, not many different departments. Therefore, they need to structure themselves as one department internally, so that everyone is sitting with the same information and can help the customer.”

Dealers need to be closer to customers