Frequently asked questions

In order for you to learn how Autoflows works, we have gathered the most frequently asked questions here. If you can’t find the answers you’re looking for, you’re always welcome to contact us.

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How does Autoflows organize my DMS data? >

Autoflows uses AI and text analysis to analyze the entire repair order history stored in your DMS. The information from the repair orders is then combined with the appropriate service interval for the vehicle – determined based on car model, variant, year, mileage and fuel type. Orders are then organized into different services, across departments and brands.

Do I need to organize my order data by repair codes? >

No need – Autoflows uses AI and text analytics to automatically scan repair orders and order lines in the DMS. Unlike repair codes, text analysis is not dependent on following the correct processes and using the right repair order items or menus. Using text analytics results in a 15% better data categorization compared to repair codes.

Can Autoflows update data in the DMS? >

Yes, Autoflows can update data in your DMS. Autoflows’ bidirectional API integration ensures that changes in vehicle ownership, contact information and marketing permissions can automatically be updated in the DMS.

Can I segment my customers? >

In the Autoflows dashboard, you can easily segment your audience with smart filters, such as:
• Car brand, model and year
• Customer type (private, business, internal, etc.)
• Sales vs. aftersales customers
• Customer location
• Marketing permissions
• And so on
We build all your filters and segments based on the order history in your DMS.

What happens when a customer sells their car? >

When you send an invitation to a customer for a workshop visit, the customer can decline the invitation and communicate through a simple survey that they no longer own their car. If you are one of our customers in Denmark, changes in vehicle ownership are tracked automatically. The vehicle’s order history is checked against any registration changes in the Danish Motor Vehicle Registry (Motorregistret). Any changes in the Motor Vehicle Registry are synced with the data in your dashboard. This way, customers who no longer own their car are marked accordingly and don’t receive irrelevant invitations.

Can I see which customers have a Mercedes me profile? >

Yes, if you provide the data, we can add it to Autoflows and you will get an easy overview of Mercedes me connections. That way you can tailor your communication to this group of customers.

Can Autoflows import and enrich data from other sources? >

Yes, Autoflows can interact with any data source, as long as that source can exchange data either via API or via file transfer.

Can I unsubscribe customers from email communications? >

You can unsubscribe a customer directly from your DMS, and that will be reflected in Autoflows. If you need to unsubscribe a customer immediately, please contact

How are marketing permissions and GDPR managed? >

Marketing permissions are based on the data that we receive from your DMS. This way, you ensure that, when you send an email, you only send it to those contacts that have expressed their consent or whose consent is unknown. See also our Data Processing Agreement for further information about the GDPR and the Marketing Act.


How does Autoflows identify which customers to invite to the workshop? >

In order to identify customers with a forthcoming workshop visit due, we check the repair order history in the DMS. The information from the repair orders is then combined with the appropriate service interval for the vehicle – determined based on car model, variant, year, mileage and fuel type. For services other than maintenance (vehicle inspection, car body inspection, etc.), we follow the manufacturer’s recommended intervals for that service.

What kind of aftersales services can Autoflows automatically invite customers to? >

Autoflows can send automatic invitations for the following services:
• Maintenance
• Tire change
• Vehicle inspection
• Timing belt replacement
• Car body inspection
• Underbody coating

How and when are my customers contacted via Autoflows? >

A customer receives the first invitation via email 30 days before the service visit is due. 7 days later, the customer receives an SMS reminder or an additional reminder via email. If the customer does not react to the invitation and the reminder or does not complete the booking, they will appear in the “Follow up” page in the dashboard, so the dealer can conveniently follow-up via phone.

What happens if my customers don’t reply to my email or SMS invitation? >

If the customer does not react to your invitation or does not complete the booking, the service advisor at the dealership is prompted to follow-up via phone.

How do I get an overview of which customers to follow up with? >

Follow-up page in the dashboard gathers all the customers who haven’t reacted to your email or SMS invitation. We continuously update all invitations with information about both open and closed orders. This allows us to automatically track and exclude customers who have already booked their next visit online, so you can focus on following up on the others.

Are open orders excluded from the invitations? >

Yes, customers who have already booked an appointment for a maintenance visit do not receive an invitation. We take into account each open order and mark whether it is a maintenance order by analyzing the text on the order. This prevents us from excluding service requests during the tire change season.

How do customers book the next visit? >

In all email and SMS invitations, customers have the option to book their next visit online (which redirects them to your booking page) or to be contacted by the workshop.

Can I see how many people have opened and/or clicked on the email invitations? >

Yes, you have the possibility to track both open and click rates directly from the Autoflows dashboard.

How does a customer unsubscribe from receiving automatic invitations and reminders? >

There is an ‘Unsubscribe’ link at the bottom of each email, so customers who opt out will no longer receive communication regarding service visits from Autoflows. If supported by your DMS, contact preferences are updated accordingly in your DMS.


Can I differentiate warranty extension and maintenance agreement follow-ups across brands? >

Yes, Autoflows can distinguish between the different brands’ warranty extensions or maintenance agreements, and send automatic follow-ups based on that information. Autoflows can also distinguish across different car models, variants, years and fuel types.


Can I create ad-hoc marketing emails in Autoflows? >

Yes. You can use the Marketing module if, for instance, you want to invite your customers to a test drive, an open house or communicate the arrival of a new model in the store. With Autoflows Marketing, you can customize the content and layout of your emails, and send them to all or to a specific customer segment. However, we always recommend using automatic email and SMS flows to invite customers to aftersales visits (such as maintenance, tire changes, etc.).

Where does my marketing audience come from? >

The audience is based on your DMS data and is updated daily.

How do you turn the DMS data into my marketing audience? >

Your DMS data is scanned based on order lines or repair codes, where we search for words that are typically associated with an order. This way, we can identify key information about the customer and the vehicle, enabling us to mark, for instance, whether the customer has been to the workshop for an inspection, maintenance or tire change.

How can I segment my audience? >

With smart filters, you can segment your audience to export it or use it for an email campaign. You can segment based on:
• Car brand
• Car model
• Model year
• City/ZIP code
• Dealership location (if you have multiple)
• Customer type (private, internal, etc.)
• Vehicle type
• Maintenance/tire change customers
• Permissions
• Specific data periods

How do I create a new email campaign? >

Once you have created your template:
1. Go to the Start campaign page
2. Use the Filter button in the top right corner to select your recipients
3. Press Start campaign in the lower right corner
4. Follow the four steps for sending the email campaign

Can I duplicate a template? >

Yes, you can easily duplicate a template. To do so, go to the template that you would like to duplicate and press Duplicate above the email itself.

Can I see and/or send a preview of the email? >

Yes. When you are editing your email template, you can press on the icon at the bottom of the page, so you can see a preview of how the email looks on a computer and on mobile. You can also send a test email by clicking on the button Test email and entering your own or someone else’s email.

Can I manually remove a customer from an email campaign? >

Yes. When your email is ready to be sent, you can see the full recipient list and, if necessary, remove individual contacts before the email is sent.

Can I schedule an email for later? >

Yes. When you reach the final step of the campaign creation flow, you can either choose to send the campaign right away or to schedule it for a specific date and time.

If a customer unsubscribes from my newsletter, will they still receive the automatic invitations? >

Yes, if a customer unsubscribes from your email campaign, they will still receive the automatic service invitations.

Can I track the performance of my sent email campaigns? >

Yes, in the Campaigns page you can see all your sent and scheduled email campaigns. Clicking on each individual campaign shows you:
• The recipients of the email
• The open rate
• The click rate
• The number of failed deliveries (bounces)
• The filters you’ve used to segment the audience list.

What do the different marketing statuses mean? >

Under each sent email campaign, you can see what ‘status’ your recipients have.
Soft bounce: the email cannot be delivered due to a problem with the recipient (mailbox is full, not configured correctly, etc.)
Hard bounce: the recipient’s email address doesn’t exist, or its server has completely blocked delivery
Unsubscribed: the customer has chosen to no longer receive email communications and will not receive any future email campaigns
Sent: the email has been sent to the recipient

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