Employee Research
HR Analytics

According to Harvard Business Review, enrichment, combination and integration of data, can increase a company’s productivity by 5-6 percent1. HR Analytics therefore increases the information value of employee analysis by combining and integrating data from different sources. This lets HR managers document a direct effect of their work.

Most companies continuously collect significant amounts of valuable information, but often without applying it to something usable. By utilizing the possibilities in linkage analysis, the value of an employee survey can be increased significantly.

Companies invest large sums in recruiting, developing and retaining skilled employees. The problem is not that companies won’t invest in their employees, but that the revenue of those investments cannot be measured, at least not correctly.

A linkage analysis integrates relevant data from sources other than the employee survey, making the correlation between investment and revenue more apparent and creating a clearer basis for decision making. This results in companies being better equipped to make decisions based on fact rather than intuition, which means being able to make better decisions faster.


1.“Making advanced analytics work for you,” Harvard Business Review, October 2012, Volume 90, Number 10, pp. 78–83.

HR Analytics