Break down silos throughout
the customer journey

Unlock the Automotive CX Playbook to boost customer experience with predictive actions and gamified learning.

A new era for Automotive CX:
Measure the customer across the journey

Automotive companies have been running generic and siloed sales and service satisfaction questionnaires for far too long - with limited effect on the overall customer experience.

Measuring customers across brands and across the journey is the great leap forward the industry has been waiting for. So say goodbye to silo-based feedback, and start retaining and growing your customers with our Automotive CX playbook - already used by 900+ dealerships across the most prestigious importers and National Sales Companies worldwide.

Measuring the customer is the
new way forward for AUTOMOTIVE CX



Focus on average satisfaction scores


Focus on overall improvement areas


Focus on negative comments and alerts


Siloed sales and service transactions


Siloed focus on the specific brand



Focus on the specific customer


Emphasis on specific & predictive actions


Increased attention to employee motivation


Measuring the customer journey as a whole


Measuring across brands


Growth won't happen by itself.
You need an Automotive Playbook

Our 5-step Automotive CX Playbook focuses on predicting impactful actions, motivating employees through gamification, and measuring across the entire customer journey - helping you drive loyalty and growth. On average, customers following our playbook have increased their CX scores by 33% within the first year.


Read on


Unlock customer transparency

Every customer experience matters. That's why we provide enhanced transparency over the experience of every single customer. Through dynamic rankings and detailed overviews for each customer, Autoflows CX gives you access to granular information at the individual customer level.


Dynamic rankings

View organized rankings of which employees, locations and vehicles are delivering the best results, and which, on the other hand, require action.


Detailed customer overview

Get a comprehensive overview of who has answered your surveys, and who has not responded, opted out, or lacks contact information.

Now I can easily find results per model or per service advisor and even see if specific customers have been invited or not.

This has significantly reduced the number of support cases from dealers, hence saving me tons of time answering these questions.

image of Carina Ahlberg

Carina Ahlberg
Head of Customer Experience
Volkswagen Group Sverige

Read the case >


Enable predictive actions

Only 6% of automotive managers think that their CX setup enables clear decision making.

Thanks to advanced text analysis and root cause analysis, Autoflows CX provides predictive and personal actions for each employee, department, model, etc., so you always know what specific actions to take to improve the customer experience.


Predictive action plans

Thanks to advanced text analytics, Autoflows CX helps you uncover patterns, reveal early warnings, and identify specific actions to prioritize.


Root cause analysis

Use smart filters to analyze root causes of problems and discover which actions have the greatest impact on your CX ratings.

What is remarkable about the system is that it gives sales and service advisors personalized actions to improve their scores.

image of Louise Westman

Louise Westman
Director of Aftersales & Dealer Development
Audi Sweden

Read the case >

The system allows us to visualize the effect of concrete processes through easy filtering options.

image of Lise Bülow

Lise Bülow
Head of Aftersales
Volkswagen Commercial Vehicles Denmark

Read the case >


Close the loop

By closing the loop, you show your customers that you care about their opinions and value their relationship with you. Advanced notification flows prompt action and put you in control of customer alerts, so that the responsible advisor can easily handle and resolve them.


Alert handling

Respond directly to negative customer feedback thanks to automatic alert notifications sent to the responsible advisor.


Advanced notification flows

Stay on top of your results and get notified when a customer submits a response to your questionnaire.

The system has this amazing effect where it triggers the employees to take matters into their own hands.

image of Jonas Billström

Jonas Billström
Head of Aftersales
Engströms Bil (Audi Sweden)


Motivate frontline employees

Gamified email notifications and reports motivate employees by giving them positive feedback and recognition.

Reward your employees’ great work by acknowledging consecutive top ratings, sending email notifications when specific milestones are reached, and giving an opportunity to share achievements on social media.


Gamified notifications

Notify your employees when specific milestones are reached, and give them an opportunity to share their achievements on social media.


Gamified status reports

Motivate your workforce to reach their goals with weekly and monthly status reports sent directly to their inbox.

Our dealers are very happy with the system. They have even started sharing their successes on Social Media.

image of Carina Ahlberg

Carina Ahlberg
Head of Customer Experience
Volkswagen Group Sverige

Read the case >


Measure across the journey

Different brands, touchpoints and even user types have different requirements and questionnaires.

Break down silos with a single cross-brand and cross-journey overview. View your performance across the journey and across segments in one comprehensive view, so you can close all experience gaps at once.


Cross-journey overview

Grasp your performance across touchpoints and measure all journey events in a single cross-journey overview.


Cross-brand overview

View performance metrics across brands from one comprehensive view, and grasp your total performance at once.

ag analytics is supporting K-Auto’s vision by providing us with the tools and services to first understand where we are regarding the customer experience throughout the whole journey and also visualize what the improvement areas are.

image of Matti Sahi

Matti Sahi
Customer and Insight Manager
Authorized Volkswagen Group dealer & importer - 45 departments across Finland

Before I manually logged into all brands every day and typed my KPI’s into an Excel sheet - just to get an overview. Now I get that overview automatically - that’s really, really good!

image of Michael Glad Jørgensen

Michael Glad Jørgensen
Service Manager
Semler Mobility Aarhus

Join our CX journey: Discover our latest insights


Prediction: The future of CX in Automotive

As the number of digital touchpoints in the automotive customer journey increases, customers place a higher importance on the few in-person interactions that are left. In this changing ecosystem, one thing remains certain: Retaining your customers today will be the foundation to survive tomorrow. However, traditional CX measurement systems will quickly become inadequate. Read on to learn about how to benefit from the CX program of the future.

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Leveraging NLP with language models like GPT in the Automotive Industry

Natural Language Processing (NLP) is a game-changer for the automotive industry, providing companies with the ability to analyze customer feedback and gain insights into sentiment, preferences, and behavior. Read this article to learn how applying machine learning techniques can help automotive players identify patterns and relationships among words and phrases to uncover hidden insights.

Read the article >

Powering the world's largest automotive brands

Break down silos with Autoflows CX

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